Should you give up your ex-girlfriend?

    When you are dumped by your ex-girlfriends, you will struggle to recover the relationship and never give up your ex-girlfriend.

As time goes on, however, you will be gradually calm down and begin to think whether you should go next or not.

In other words, the relationship with her may completely end if you stop to love her but continuing to love her prolongs your grief.

This essay will discuss the issue of giving up your ex-girlfriend when this conflict occurs in your mind.


    When your girlfriend dumps you due to a bad habits such as gambling, you should not give up her.

It would be better for you to fix your bad habits and apologize to her.

However, you are often dumped suddenly although you don't have so bad habits and the relationship has seemed to be good.

This is the very separation that prolongs your pain and you may want to know the reason keenly.


    By the way, such separations are often seen in novels, cartoons, movies and so on. For example, "On Chesil Beach" which is a British novel by Ian McEwan and "nigeru ha haji daga yaku ni tatu (Running away is a shame but useful)" which is a Japanese comic by Umino Tsunami.

These stories have something common: Although the heroines love their lover deeply, the relationships get worse or end by their difficulties such as complex hatred toward sex and eccentric thinking about marriage.

And it is suggested that all the man can do is to wait patiently until the heroines overcome the difficulties by herself.


    These stories can be applied to your situation, that is, your girlfriend might decide to leave from you because of her own problems, such as complex character as mentioned above, getting bored with you temporary, lacking appropriate confidence needed for the relationship.

Just like you, she is not perfect.


    Here, it should be noted that these problems are likely to occuer when she really feels comfortable with you, because people are eaget to hide their problems and faults from unfamilier person.

And there is a possibility that you are not dumped by reason that your girlfriend dislikes you.

Therefore, if you don't give up her, the chance that the relationship recover is not so little.

The problem is whether you can accept her weakness and expect that she overcomes it.

If you can, you should not give up your ex-girlfriend and wait her patiently until she overcomes her difficulty by herself.


    The pain caused by loving ex-girlfriend is very terrible, and you almost give up the relationship.

However, it might difficult to know the art of loving without such pain, though it sounds outdated.



However, you may be allowed to be friends with other women when you are in grief.



I practiced this essay and I got back together with my ex after 3 month.


dumped→(one month silent)→mailed her→(one month silent)→mailed her→(one month silent)→mailed her and begged her to come back on the phone.

I left my pride somewhere.